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Despite advances in manufacturing technology, data collection remains largely manual for many companies. A survey by the Manufacturing Leadership Council reveals that nearly 70% of manufacturers still rely on manual data entry, highlighting a lack of integration with automated digital tools such as dashboards. While some manufacturers have embraced visual dashboards, a significant portion of the industry has yet to fully leverage these innovations.

If your company is among the 70%  Read more...still using manual data collection and you're ready to transition to Manufacturing 4.0, I'd love to connect. Manufacturing 4.0 revolutionizes production with intelligent, connected, and flexible systems that enhance efficiency, lower costs, and enable greater customization.

Companies that embrace these advancements gain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving industrial landscape. Show less...
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Hello Joaquin, I would like to arrange for a brief team meeting to establish where you are, and your vision direction is, in order to provide additional information for you. Are you currently doing a manual process in the collection pf production information?
Our company could be interested to obatin more information about this topic and AI functionalities
