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Call to endorse Infor System21 Enhancement Request # 65158, (on behalf of a customer)

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Mrs Elizabeth Watt from company E.P Barrus thinks ER # 65158 can bring value to many companies and invites you to endorse it.

Brief description of ER # 65158:

Populating the order lines file when a customer alias item is ordered


“Enhancement # 65158 is about populating the order lines file when a customer alias item is ordered, as currently we don’t know what SKU was used for an order, and an alias may have  Read more...been used.
If the item ordered is superceded or an alternative item is chosen, these populate COOI55 in the order lines fine, so we thought that the alias requested item could populate this field too.
As previously stated, once the order is placed we don’t know what SKU was used to create the order, so if COOI55 is populated, then we will know.”
Here is the URL for ER 65158:

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