
Since migrating in October, we have a problem with one of our part numbers on the MRP300 screen. We ship to two destinations on the same day, and this is reflected in our KMR records. There are two records for each required date, but they have different sequence numbers. The records appear on the pegging but not on the main screen; so, it does not show consuming the projected on-hand.
Since the data is not on the green screen, I am doubtful that a different rendering will answer  Read more...this.
In our environment, the KMR records are inserted from an older custom interface, but they are functioning in every other aspect. Show less...

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BMR 81478 is delivered on LX v8.3.5 and V8.4.2. Please submit case in Service Now to request fix on v8.4.1.
Yes, I remember seeing it when I selected the MR for 8.3.5, but with the switch over to customer portal, all my closed incidents are gone, and I can't find the relevant KB in the new system.
was there a similar BMR also to effect V841?
I did not see this until today, thank you for more clues! We're running V841. I do not think that we run MRP640.
BMR 81478 for version V835
Ronda.. just out of curiosity.. do you run MRP640 as part of the process?

If so, do a query against the FMA table for the shop order, and see what the value of MRDTE is.. We had an issue where MRP640 was resetting that date to 12/30/1900, and so the requirements were falling off of the MRP planning screens. (hint: you can get the data back by changing that date to a current or future date)

Infor DEV was able to recreate that and is issuing a patch to fix it.
I was trying with this again today, altered the forecast to include separate details and switched to source code 2 via MRP100, etc. and they still don't show up in the MRP300 forecast area

Maintain Multiple Forecast Sources per Day field in the MRP System Parameter screen is set to 1=Yes

a different part number that I entered forecast for did show up in summary fashion??

what else should I try? I feel like the situation could come up in future with  Read more...milkruns etc.

not really worth the pain of re-opening an incident, they said they could not duplicate the issue, Show less...
