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Has anyone implemented the ProcessSupplierInvoice BOD?

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Looking at the BOD, the tax codes are ALL at the header level. How do you specify if 1 or more lines is either at a different rate or tax exempt?
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Unfortunately we came across the same limitations when we attempted to use it a few years ago and ended up using the LX Connector Invoice BOD.
I also just found out that at adapter version 2.3 (LX version 8.3.5) there's no access to the User Fields on ACP400D4-01, (that's only available in version 3.0/LX 8.4.x) so that pretty much means it's not going to work for us at any rate.

It appears that the only use case is for items on an LX purchase order, and even then I'm not sure how you go about expensing those correctly given that you can't specify a GL account/alias or override the tax rate.

If you have  Read more...worked around all this.. I'd love to hear about it! Show less...
