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LX 8.3.5 Sources question

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Hello, I downloaded the ISO image for the LX 8.3.5 version sources, and it contained several SAVF files, one per version: ERPLX831S, ERPLX832S, ERPLX833S, ERPLX834S and ERPLX835S.

Each of them, when restored, are actually a library, with all the source files (QRPGLESRC, QDDSSRC, etc), for each version.
I guess that even the ISO image is for LX 8.3.5, it contains those 5 libraries and sources because the ones for example in ERPLX831S are the ones that have not changed since  Read more...that version, same for ERPLX832S, etc. Is this assumption correct ?

I am missing, however, many source members, for exemple the one for APH physical file DDS, the CLD501D1 RPGLE program, and many others.
Where can I download all those missing ones from ?


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Thank you very much Mark for your reply, but where can I download the base LX 8.3.0 ISO from ? I am not able to find it.
Marcel, Objects and source that have not changed since base 8.3.0 would have been delivered on the base LX 8.3.0 ISOs.
