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Does anyone have experience creating a purchasing approval workflow with multiple levels and attachments?

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We have a manual process where we are allowing team members to create purchase requisitions in excel. Then they pass this sheet along to have it approved through the different levels. Accounting reviews the account codes, etc. After all of this, it is then passed along to our Purchasing department who keys the req and converts it into a Purchase Order. Afterwards, we have custom coding that sends this to the vendor. The volume is 200-300 new reqs per week.
We would like a seamless  Read more...process within LX that does not require all of the manual work. While we are currently working on a project to implement IDF and WebTop, we are currently 100% green screen LX version 8.3.5. Any advice on how other companies has handled this would be greatly appreciated. Show less...
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Thank you so much @davidrapacz. I appreciate the files. I thought I had remembered seeing this solution last year at inPower but I couldn't remember the details. I'll dig in deeper and see what direction we want to go in.
We would recommend using Infor OS Workflow capabilities for this purpose. IDF applications can play a role in a workflow process, but IDF does not provide Workflow as a solution. There are some presentations in the 'Files' library on WOL that may provide some insight:

Also, please feel free to reach out to me at for further information.
Dave Show less...
Thank you @carlbrown. I'll watch the video to learn more.
Hi Tracy (all),

Cobwebb has built a PO Requisitions Workflow using Tungsten TotalAgility. We have deployed this for a number of Infor System21 customers, but it's an ERP agnostic solution, so there is no reason why we could not integrate this to LX. There's a short taster video here
@philcatlin I see an opportunity for a solution that could help multiple companies! I'll keep everyone informed as we push through this. Currently we use Intellichief for invoice approval. Once it is approved, we then send the information back to LX. We had reached out to them for this portion - since it seemed very similar in my mind with the workflow approvals. However, it seems that they have not done this previously for the  Read more...purchase requisition approval process. So we hit a dead end with them as well. Show less...
@jonsegasture Thank you for the update. Fortunately we have a pretty straightforward delegation list. But it is multiple levels depending on the dollar value. In addition, the approvals are sequential and not concurrent. At the moment, when the piece of paper has been walked around, entered in LX and converted to a req - we then are able to send it to the vendor. I'll look into what you guys are doing with LX Connector to see  Read more...if that can help that portion of our process. Show less...
Tracy.. I'd be interested as well! We need 2 signatures, and people have varying purchase approval limits that are daily limits, (so once they've requisitioned OR approved their daily limit they are out of the approval path). We handle it manually as well for now.
We too would like to have a PO approval workflow in IDF, but it's tricky because the next approver can be determined on which way the wind is blowing. After it's approved though, we use LX Connector to create Purchase Orders from a maintenance system, it's a pretty simple BOD to implement. After the PO is generated, the acknowledgement is automatically emailed to the vendor.
@michaelraber😉 Thank you for your fast response and your strong community Partnership!
We have build that for several customers (not LX, but XA) and I will talk about that at the EUIG meeting in Milwaukee. Please contact me directly ( for further informations (also from a technical point of view).
