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Tue, December, 17th 2024


Forum Question/Topic:


How to Query IDF > Integrator > Business Objects Information ?

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Is there a way to query the system tables for IDF PowerLink Business Objects so I can get information like: File name, Created by, Changed by, Change Date etc... ?

We have PROD (AA) and TEST (CC) environments, and I would like to easily run Compare queries between them to find differences.

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Nick Olson likes this.
Look in AMALIBA and AMALIBC and start querying the files, chances are what you are looking for will reside in one or multiple of the customization files located within.
I did search through those libraries, and AMFLIBA (files) last week, but so far, haven't found the information.
Gabriel, have you considered creating a new View for the Business Object list from Enterprise Integrator. The default view can be copied and then you can add fields like 'Changed by' and 'Changed Date'. You can then export this to a spreadsheet from both environments for comparison.
Thanks, I will try that.
David, I think that gives us what we need. I exported to a SQL table and can query the differences.
