Infor - IBM i-series Community
Hello, LX users! I am the IDF Product Manager located in Alpharetta, Georgia. I want to be sure you all know that we now offer IDF education through Infor U.

Our first course is End User Customization -- five 4-hour sessions on how to customize views, subsets, sorts, cards (all types), card files, presentation schemes and templates. It is online, instructor-led, with hands-on workshops. Students really like the workshops! We provide a PDF with detailed instructions and screen  Read more...shots. The instructors can see your screen and help you if you need it. We also provide students with a PDF of all the slides, so they don't have to take notes.

To register:
1. Go to Infor U at
2. You'll see Course Catalog on the left. Click it.
3. Put IDF in the search.
4. When the course comes up click on it to see the dates it is offered.

Our plan is to offer it once per month. We are finishing up the March class today, Friday, April 14. We will skip April while we put the finishing touches on our second course, Foundation for Developers. A lot of people are eager for that one.

The LX users who have IDF have been enthusiastic, but also pretty insistent that they need education. We're working on it! I hope you can take advantage.

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Phil, thank you for sharing this news within the community.

This class is a great way to get IDF introduced to LX users. There are so many business process and functions that can be improved through IDF and this class helps end users get comfortable in using this amazing technology so they can start leveraging all the IDF applications we have provided with LX.
