We wanted to provide the WorkOutLoud Community with an update on progress since we announced our latest offering for Infor IBM i customers, Cobwebb Cloud Capture - Finance (CCC-F), last September.
Cobwebb Cloud Capture -Finance is a SaaS based AP Automation solution built on industry leading technology and hosted in Azure. Cobwebb Communications has built integrations to Infor IBM i ERP, including XA (Enterprise Financials) and System21. For more detailed information on CCC-F see our website.
Since the launch at inPOWER last year, interest has been high from Infor IBM i customers in Europe and North America. We are working on several projects already with a number of other businesses keen to talk to us about AP Automation. The main drivers appear to be a desire to reduce manual processing in AP and to increase visibility throughout the process. We’ve also had a lot of interest from businesses using IntelliChief looking for an alternative solution.
We are planning to host a webinar with TriMin this Summer where we will demonstrate the journey of an invoice starting with CCC-F and concluding with the invoice being automatically logged in Enterprise Financials and archived in a Document Management System. Keep an eye out for this on the WorkOutLoud platform.
Cobwebb Cloud Capture Finance is a cutting-edge solution for invoice processing that offers advanced capture, extraction, and validation capabilities. This cloud-based platform, hosted on Microsoft Azure, provides configurable business rules, general ledger coding, and user-driven approval and exception workflows.
The software addresses several common business challenges faced by organisations:
In summary, Cobwebb Cloud Capture Finance is a comprehensive solution that addresses key challenges in invoice processing by leveraging cloud technology, advanced automation, and seamless integration with existing systems. It streamlines operations, improves efficiency, enhances control and visibility, and eliminates the need for extensive maintenance and IT support.
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