inPOWER 2024
When: Monday, September 23rd, 2024 → Thursday, September 26th, 2024
inPOWER 2024



Greetings to Infor customers running XA, LX and System21.   We want to thank everyone who made inPOWER 2023 successful and we had a huge amount of positive feedback.

Preliminary Agenda

You will continue to receive email updates as they come available.

Dates: September 23-26.  Monday for the Technical Enterprise Integrator Sessions,  Tuesday through Thursday morning for inPOWER.

Location: The Ingleside Hotel,  Pewaukee, WI

Target Audience: Infor Customers and Partners focused on Infor XA,  LX and System21

Format: The general flow of the conference will be similar to 2023,  but we will have additional Enterprise Integrator educational sessions on Monday.  We’ll also expand the educational content on Wednesday.  These educational sessions were very popular in 2023.


  • Monday EIUG Technical Day                      $200
  • Monday Workshops                                    $50
  • inPOWER 2.5 day conference                   $850 
  • Fourth or more attendees                          $450 each

 We will work to provide you with great value for your investment.

  • New this year,  we will also offer 1-day passes at $300

Helpful Glossary Terms


“Having attended multiple inPOWER events over the years, I find inPOWER to be a great opportunity to further build relationships with key Infor team members and to provide input into the future direction of the software that is key to our business.”

“If one is serious about learning how to maximize their company’s investment in Infor LX and/or to extend the life of their ERP, then inPOWER is a great opportunity to not only learn from Infor team members but also other customers.  It is great to hear how others have started to leverage the many new features and functionality to not only move beyond the green screen but also to eliminate base code modifications.” READ MORE...

For cancellation requests please contact



Product Introduction

When & Where

Monday, September 23rd, 2024 → Thursday, September 26th, 2024
The Ingleside Hotel
2810 Golf Road Pewaukee


Thu, July, 25th 2024

Please publish the schedule, so we can book the arrival and departure.
Join the conversation: inpower-2024 »
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Fri, July, 12th 2024

Has the General Schedule at a Glance been posted yet?
If not do you know when it will be posted?
Join the conversation: inpower-2024 »
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@bettyschlimgen are you able to assist with Jay's question? Thank you!
A schedule has not yet been posted as confirmations of speakers is still in process. A list with most session titles is posted on the event page.
Wed, July, 10th 2024

I have a few questions about group registration. Who would I talk to about them?
Join the conversation: inpower-2024 »
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Hi Kevin, sent you a private message. Let me know if I can assist.
Thank you Shawna😀


Loring Kaveney
Ashley Becker
Tony Fleischman
Betty Schlimgen
Shawna Vickers
Yvonne Cheslog
Eric Lopez
inPOWER 2024
