Infor LX User Group

Since June, 2022

Infor LX User Group


Webinar: What You Miss at inPOWER 2023
Monday, May 20th, 2024
Webinar LX Upgrade Strategy and Options, March 12, 2024
Monday, May 20th, 2024
Using Infor OS Components Together to Solve a Business Problem
Monday, May 20th, 2024
Webtop 4.8 will be available this summer.
Monday, May 20th, 2024


inPower 2024
7:00 AM - US/Central

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Please note that there is now a new tool to streamline the BMR installation process. I encourage all LX customers to review these new features and tools documented in these KB articles.

Forum Question/Topic:


LX 8.3.5 Sources question

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Hello, I downloaded the ISO image for the LX 8.3.5 version sources, and it contained several SAVF files, one per version: ERPLX831S, ERPLX832S, ERPLX833S, ERPLX834S and ERPLX835S.

Each of them, when restored, are actually a library, with all the source files (QRPGLESRC, QDDSSRC, etc), for each version.
I guess that even the ISO image is for LX 8.3.5, it contains those 5 libraries and sources because the ones for example in ERPLX831S are the ones that have not changed since  Read more...that version, same for ERPLX832S, etc. Is this assumption correct ?

I am missing, however, many source members, for exemple the one for APH physical file DDS, the CLD501D1 RPGLE program, and many others.
Where can I download all those missing ones from ?


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Loring Kaveney likes this.
Marcel, Objects and source that have not changed since base 8.3.0 would have been delivered on the base LX 8.3.0 ISOs.
Fri, July, 19th 2024

I couldn't resist.
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Eric Lopez, Rhonda Conaway, Phil Catlin like this.

About Infor LX User Group

The Infor LX User Group (LXUG) is an independent user group recognized by Infor as the official voice of the LX software user community. The LXUG is dedicated to maximizing the benefits of the use of all LX products, tools, and services for the user community.

Mission and Purpose:

o Partner with Infor in developing a vision for the LX Software
o Provide a forum for effective communication of information between clients, user groups, affiliates, and Infor
o Provide networking opportunities and the exchange of ideas and strategies among LX User Groups, clients, and Infor
o Enhance user understanding of LX products, services, related technologies, third-party business partners, and future direction
o Provide a communication channel to disseminate new and other information to LX user community
o Give LX users a collective voice to articulate issues
o Provide Infor, via this group, with input and feedback relative to the LX suite of offerings
o Provide representation to Infor Global User Group Advisory Board
o Actively participate with INFOR to identify initiatives and bring about changes resulting in measurable process and product improvements
