
Tue, April, 2nd 2024

I've got a couple of Enhancement requests I'd like to ask you to support:

1) 101363 - Change the FTPCPYxxx tools in library LX83tools to support the password length and complexity of the system it's running on. As we improve security we're moving beyond the 10 character password. These tools have a maximum password length of 10 and so, are not usable with the longer passwords.

2) 105557 - Create a BOD processing status inquiry and maintenance panel. The inbox and  Read more...outbox are a black box on the IBM i.. There is no technical or power user interface that can be used to see the actual processing status of a specific BOD. This request is to create that application so that if a BOD fails or is rejected for some reason, the error is presented, and there is an option to reprocess once the failure reason has been addressed. This capability exists in other Infor products, but is not currently available in LX.

I'd appreciate you logging into Concierge, visiting the Enhancement request system and voting on these 2 enhancements.

Also, as a general plug.. There are several other LX enhancements out there that are worth a read.. there are some great ideas that deserve your consideration.

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Carolyn Pruitt, Brian White, Loring Kaveney, Nick Olson like this.
I circulated this around to my contacts.
Phil, we are in the process of expanding the password length for these tools and this update will be available soon. I will update everyone via this chat once it is available.
The support of a longer password for FTPCPY* tools is now available. Please see KB# 2158293 (LX83TOOLS) explaining the latest update includes long password support for the FTPCPY* tools.
I download and installed lx83tl1216 and when trying to webify any program with GENCMPALL, I am getting a message "**** Weblication and compile process failed for pgm ORD760D-WTS code missing". The program is getting created correctly though. Has anyone else had that issue?
Looking at GENCMPALL more, it is weblicating the source correctly and adding the INFM and SSAW markers at the end of the line in the source, but it's not adding the WTS markers at the beginning of the line for the code that it added so the CHKWTS routine is returning a WTS = N, Weblicate = Y, Compile = Y, Obj Weblicated = Y'. My old version of LX83TOOLS from 12/9/2016 does add the WTS markers.
Jon, There are a couple of WTS BMRs you may need to get. 81062, 81379 and 81371. Also, make sure the libraries these objects are installed in are higher in your *LIBL.
Mark / Dave... Thanks for taking this on. I've loaded these on my Dev and QA systems. The FTPCPYxxx functions move the objects as expected, but I always end up with message: CPF9898 - Error occurred on command DLTF QGPL/Fxxxxxxxxxxx In the job log it's followed by Object Fxxxxxxxxxxx in QGPL type *FILE deleted.. (same object).
Phil, We'll create a BMR to clean up those messages. They are harmless though, just cleaning up temp files created by the FTPCPYxxx tools.
