
Wed, April, 17th 2024

Hello, I am hoping that consideration is being given to having EIUG advanced sessions geared toward LX this year. Can anyone offer any clarity on this? Thank you
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Loring Kaveney likes this.
Hi Nick, I noticed that both Dave and Brian have reached out to you on your inquiry. I can assure you that the workshops offered on Monday, our EIUG day, will support LX as well as XA. All the concepts that are taught can be used in LX, however I do understand that there are some short comings. If you are looking for a specific topic or have a project or issue you are looking to tackle, John Merges at TriMin may be able to assist with a deeper training focused on LX objects. I will be  Read more...happy to set up an introduction, and look forward to seeing you at the conference. Show less...
