What is new?

  • Added a CLI (command line interface), which allows to automate the usage of Uploadia. (Here is a separate license required.)
  • Uploadia now supports CSV files to be uploaded.

What was improved?

  • Extended the session timeout. So you not have to login so often , which was a problem in the past.
  • Reimplemented the whole excel parsing core of Uploadia. This fixed a lot of bugs, and the new core supports more different formattings from Excel.
  • Improved the capabilities of the error grouping from Uploadia. This should prevent that similar errors are not recognized as the same message.

What is fixed?

  • All errors (also in complex upload scenarios) will show up correctly now.
  • Wrong formatted comma numbers from the Excel files are also fixed.
  • Excel files with empty rows at the end will not cause any errors while uploading anymore.

You need more Information about Uploadia?

Then visit: uploadia.mjr.gmbh

or contact us directly!