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CPQ - Ask the Experts – Estimating, Quoting, Selling, Ordering – Where, When, How

9/25/24               2:15 - 3:00 PM

Room: Woodland B Presenters: Deb Lopez - Infor
Tags: CPQ

Ask the Experts: Estimating, Quoting, Selling, Ordering - Where, When, How. Bring your questions, scenarios, requests related to ERP estimating, quoting, selling, and ordering this will be an open dialogue session.

CPQ - Quoting & Ordering Options Explained - XA

9/26/24               9:00 - 9:45 AM

Room: Woodland D Presenters: Deb Lopez - Infor
Tags: CPQ

Supporting "To-Order" requests in today's buyer-focused environment: Buyers and Sellers don't want more options; they want only what they want - and FAST! Find out ways to drive interest to conversation to contribute to the bottom line.

CPQ - Quoting and Ordering Options Explained for LX

9/26/24               8:00 - 8:45 AM

Room: Hearthside Presenters: Deb Lopez - Infor
Tags: CPQ

Supporting "To-Order" requests in today's buyer-focused environment: Buyers and Sellers don't want more options; they want only what they want - and FAST! Find out ways to drive interest to conversation to contribute to the bottom line.

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