This blog is focused on CUSTOMER SERVICE.

How does Infor CPQ unleash power for Customer Service. Customer Service has a challenging job and a lot of pressure. Customers call them and expect the right answers quickly. Sales lean on them often for their knowledge. Let’s be honest, Customer Service many times is the nucleus of the customer experience for the business.

Customer Service teams would have access to Enterprise Quoting to build quotes quickly, accurately and completely. Imagine a world where customer service is empowered to respond to customers while on the phone and not required to tell the customer I will get back to you as fast as I can. We all know Customer Service may have to engage Engineering or another resource to confirm the quote is correct and doable.

Ultimately Customer Service will deliver branded quotes to customers, increasing customer satisfaction with the timely delivery of complete information.  

How long does it take customer service to put accurate quotes together? Are they all accurate? Are they all complete, anything missing? Are the right products on the quote? Is customer service using Excel, which is only as accurate as the last person updating Excel? Customer service may be calling their peers for answers or calling engineering for answers or support. Customer service will tap into any resource they can to help the customer.

Does your customer service team provide quotes to customers? What is their quoting process/tool?

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