Infor LX User Group

Since June, 2022

Infor LX User Group


The Infor LX User Group (LXUG) is an independent user group recognized by Infor as the official voice of the LX software user community. The LXUG is dedicated to maximizing the benefits of the use of all LX products, tools, and services for the user community.

Mission and Purpose:

o Partne Read more...r with Infor in developing a vision for the LX Software
o Provide a forum for effective communication of information between clients, user groups, affiliates, and Infor
o Provide networking opportunities and the exchange of ideas and strategies among LX User Groups, clients, and Infor
o Enhance user understanding of LX products, services, related technologies, third-party business partners, and future direction
o Provide a communication channel to disseminate new and other information to LX user community
o Give LX users a collective voice to articulate issues
o Provide Infor, via this group, with input and feedback relative to the LX suite of offerings
o Provide representation to Infor Global User Group Advisory Board
o Actively participate with INFOR to identify initiatives and bring about changes resulting in measurable process and product improvements

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Loring Kaveney
Michael Eck
Phil Catlin
Yvonne Cheslog


Allison Jay
Andrews Carl
anglin Curt
Angst Levi
Antoon Robert
Armitage Sue
Arubandala Srinivasa Reddy
Ayala Arturo
Baker Tim

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Please note that there is now a new tool to streamline the BMR installation process. I encourage all LX customers to review these new features and tools documented in these KB articles.

Forum Question/Topic:


LX 8.3.5 Sources question

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Hello, I downloaded the ISO image for the LX 8.3.5 version sources, and it contained several SAVF files, one per version: ERPLX831S, ERPLX832S, ERPLX833S, ERPLX834S and ERPLX835S.

Each of them, when restored, are actually a library, with all the source files (QRPGLESRC, QDDSSRC, etc), for each version.
I guess that even the ISO image is for LX 8.3.5, it contains those 5 libraries and sources because the ones for example in ERPLX831S are the ones that have not changed since  Read more...that version, same for ERPLX832S, etc. Is this assumption correct ?

I am missing, however, many source members, for exemple the one for APH physical file DDS, the CLD501D1 RPGLE program, and many others.
Where can I download all those missing ones from ?


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Loring Kaveney likes this.
Marcel, Objects and source that have not changed since base 8.3.0 would have been delivered on the base LX 8.3.0 ISOs.
Fri, July, 19th 2024

I couldn't resist.
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Eric Lopez, Rhonda Conaway, Phil Catlin like this.
Consider joining us for a Dive into IDF for LX.
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Tue, June, 18th 2024


Forum Question/Topic:


Have you ever wondered which BMRs you have installed in your environment, or what new BMRs Infor has passed that you don't have but maybe should?

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There is a new KB with instructions on how to find those answers and more. Each BMR Explosion comes with file ISALXOBJ. It contains the latest information about all passed BMRs and connects them to your objects via the user defined attribute. Take a look at
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Nick Olson likes this.
@marklarson: The link you posted takes me to a ServiceNow site that I don't have access to. On the Infor Customer Portal, that KB is available here:
I was able to search the KB on the Customer Portal, thanks for that!
Tue, June, 4th 2024


Forum Question/Topic:


Has anyone implemented the ProcessSupplierInvoice BOD?

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Looking at the BOD, the tax codes are ALL at the header level. How do you specify if 1 or more lines is either at a different rate or tax exempt?
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I also just found out that at adapter version 2.3 (LX version 8.3.5) there's no access to the User Fields on ACP400D4-01, (that's only available in version 3.0/LX 8.4.x) so that pretty much means it's not going to work for us at any rate.

It appears that the only use case is for items on an LX purchase order, and even then I'm not sure how you go about expensing those correctly given that you can't specify a GL account/alias or override the tax rate.

If you have  Read more...worked around all this.. I'd love to hear about it! Show less...
Unfortunately we came across the same limitations when we attempted to use it a few years ago and ended up using the LX Connector Invoice BOD.
Fri, May, 31st 2024

Hi. Please vote for enhancement request 106288 to add MRP planning data to IDF.
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Ronda Garbin, Loring Kaveney, Phil Catlin like this.
Tue, May, 28th 2024


Forum Question/Topic:


Querying LX Connector Inbox Table

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Does anyone have a SQL query that can successfully decode the XML fields in the LXC_INBOX_ENTRY table? We have been doing it using a linked server from SQL Server but would like to change this to a native DB2 for i query as there are issues with the linked server leaving connections hanging. It appears to be XML text stored in a BLOB column, but we just have not hit the right combination to properly display it. Parsing the XML gives us an error that the closing Envelope tag is incomplete,  Read more...even though we believe the XML is perfectly fine. Show less...
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James.. the content of that field is in CCSID(1208), at least in our case, the problem is that the table has that column defined as CCSID 65535, and there is no conversion table between 65535 and anything else. So I've never been able to write a SQL statement to convert it to anything.
I can retrieve it in a program and move it to a variable that has a CCSID of 1208... then I can do pretty much anything with it... the only other thing I've ever done is copy the field and paste it into  Read more...a "freeware" website that converts Hex to Text... In theory we could mod the table to change the CCSID of the blob.. then, in theory you'd be able to select cast(c_xml varchar(someLength) ccsid(37)) as XML from lxc_inbox_entry and get a valid result... Show less...
Phil, thanks for taking the time to reply. I think I figured out a different way now that might work for you. This statement works for the most part: Select xmlparse(document cast(C_XML as varchar(4000) FOR BIT DATA) preserve whitespace) from LX841F.LXC_INBOX_ENTRY. We still have a problem where one of our applications that submits transactions for LX Connector is dropping off the last character of the closing tag. LX Connector doesn't care, but this statement does, so we have to fix  Read more...that bug before I can implement anything. I was trying to get this done before I retire, but looks like it might not happen now. I can at least leave detailed instructions.

Jim Show less...
I, too, have been trying to find a way in interactive SQL or Run SQL Scripts to view the XML data. I have a Windows-based tool, Advanced Query Tool from Cardett Associates, that works well to view the data but still would like a solution for using the others. @jamesreinardy: I tried your xmlparse method but get the errors, "Query cannot be run. See lower level messages." which says, "User-defined function error on  Read more...member COR_O00002". If I'm missing something that your detailed instructions might help, I'll stand by and wait for them. Show less...
Jim.. unlike Michael's experience... that sql statement worked fine for me. (Running in "run sql scripts" from Access Client Solutions tool). Thanks for the tip!!
Digging deeper, my issue is that my XMLs easily exceed 4000 characters and a lot even exceed the SQL limit of 32,717 characters.
Michael, that makes sense. We have few that are long like that but it is not the norm for us. Phil, glad this worked for you.
Fri, May, 24th 2024

An updated BPCS/LX Product Life Cycle policy has just been published. The latest version of this policy is always available in Infor Concierge, under Important Documents or in Service Now under a new KB3003020.

I encourage all customers to review the support status for their version of BPCS/LX. If you have any questions, I am available to discuss the specifics related to your release level. Please contact me at for questions.
Infor BPCS-LX, Product Lifecycle Policy, English.pdf
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Nick Olson likes this.
Mon, May, 20th 2024

[WATCH VIDEO] Webinar: What You Miss at inPOWER 2023

Join the members of the LX User Group board to discuss what happened at inPower 2023, and preview the up-coming inPower 2024.

The Presenters:

Brain White – Red Gold
James Reinardy – Badger Meter
Dave Rapacz – Infor
Phil Catlin – Formica
Jean Moreau - Dominion Blueline, Inc. j. Read
Jon Segasture - AB Mauri
Tracy Johnson - Kubota Show less...
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Thu, May, 16th 2024


Forum Question/Topic:


LX Tips & Tricks

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Welcome to Infor LX Tips & Tricks! This space is dedicated to sharing and discovering the best practices, hidden features, and expert advice for maximizing efficiency with Infor ERPLX. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, you'll find valuable insights and practical solutions to common challenges.
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Infor LX/BPCS Tip: Did you know? One Time Vendor – ACP100D2-02 (Vendor Master Maintenance)

Did you know that you can set up one-time vendors in LX? One Time Vendor (1,A): Specify Y to indicate that this vendor is a one-time vendor. Otherwise, could you specify N. The system removes a one-time vendor's information from the Vendor Master file after all transactions are reconciled. If this vendor already exists as a one-time vendor, you can specify N to change the vendor to a  Read more...regular vendor. Show less...
Fri, May, 3rd 2024

Since migrating in October, we have a problem with one of our part numbers on the MRP300 screen. We ship to two destinations on the same day, and this is reflected in our KMR records. There are two records for each required date, but they have different sequence numbers. The records appear on the pegging but not on the main screen; so, it does not show consuming the projected on-hand.
Since the data is not on the green screen, I am doubtful that a different rendering will answer  Read more...this.
In our environment, the KMR records are inserted from an older custom interface, but they are functioning in every other aspect. Show less...
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I was trying with this again today, altered the forecast to include separate details and switched to source code 2 via MRP100, etc. and they still don't show up in the MRP300 forecast area

Maintain Multiple Forecast Sources per Day field in the MRP System Parameter screen is set to 1=Yes

a different part number that I entered forecast for did show up in summary fashion??

what else should I try? I feel like the situation could come up in future with  Read more...milkruns etc.

not really worth the pain of re-opening an incident, they said they could not duplicate the issue, Show less...
Ronda.. just out of curiosity.. do you run MRP640 as part of the process?

If so, do a query against the FMA table for the shop order, and see what the value of MRDTE is.. We had an issue where MRP640 was resetting that date to 12/30/1900, and so the requirements were falling off of the MRP planning screens. (hint: you can get the data back by changing that date to a current or future date)

Infor DEV was able to recreate that and is issuing a patch to fix it.
BMR 81478 for version V835
I did not see this until today, thank you for more clues! We're running V841. I do not think that we run MRP640.
was there a similar BMR also to effect V841?
Yes, I remember seeing it when I selected the MR for 8.3.5, but with the switch over to customer portal, all my closed incidents are gone, and I can't find the relevant KB in the new system.
BMR 81478 is delivered on LX v8.3.5 and V8.4.2. Please submit case in Service Now to request fix on v8.4.1.
Wed, April, 10th 2024


Forum Question/Topic:


In Infor LX 8.3.5 or in the new versions Infor LX 8.4.1 or Infor LX 8.4.2, does the ERP have any options for managing or controlling advance payments to suppliers?

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If this is not yet possible, could you consider adding this option in LX?, because several LATAM customers have asked about it
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Alejandro Henao Gonzalez, Loring Kaveney like this.
Jose, we support making prepayment to vendors through the manual payment process as an unallocated payment which can then be allocated to an invoice at a later date once an invoice is in hand. Here is the process:

The procedure for recording an unallocated payment is the same as for recording and allocating a manual payment in ACP700 except for the allocation and invoice allocation screens.

The model you are using for CEA must have a model line for the unallocated  Read more...liability amount.
The amount macros to be used are VP01UNDR for the debit and VP01UNCR for the credit amounts in the journal. The line type should be 3 = Invoice.

In ACP700D2-01, enter action code 1 to create, enter the payment reference and sub-reference.
In ACP700D4-01, enter the payment amount and hit enter. The amount in allocate to invoices will be populated. Use F6 to accept.
In ACP700D5-01, enter the amount in the allocate to pay field, field exit and F6 to accept.

When creating an unallocated payment, no amounts are allocated to a specific invoice. A message that the amount entered is not equal to the invoice or discount amount –F14 to override.

In ACP700D2-01, F5 to refresh the screen. You see that payment reference was created, but the allocated amount is 0.00. F6 to end the batch, then F3 to exit.

Once an invoice has been processed for this vendor, we can allocate the prepayment to an invoice using the same program, ACP700.

Enter the company, bank code and payment currency. The total payment amount will be 0.00, as we have already recorded the amount of the payment when we created the unallocated check. Revise the date parameters as required, you will most likely want to use the same payment date as the original payment, the due date and discount date should be set in accordance with the dates on the invoice to ensure the invoice is included in the selection screen (ACP700D5).

Use action 2 to revise the payment. And hit enter. The payment reference data is retrieved. Enter the same G/L reason code, you used in creating the unallocated payment.

In ACP700D4, the amount to allocate will default as the total amount of the payment. You can override the amount to allocate if you will only be doing a partial allocation.
F6 to accept.

Enter the amount in allocate to pay and enter the invoice number. Hit enter. F6 to accept.
In ACP700D2-01 F5 to refresh, the amount will display as allocated, F6 to end the batch. Show less...
Thanks for your response and support
Wed, April, 3rd 2024


Forum Question/Topic:


Possible enhancement to those F4 prompt windows?

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A potential improvement for LX is to refine the data presented in some window programs (F4 prompts) to only include permissible values. Take WINIWMD as an example: it lists all warehouses, yet selecting an unauthorized warehouse triggers an error message that denies the selection. Why show warehouses you can't select?

There are multiple strategies we could employ to upgrade this. The first is to exclude unauthorized options from the list entirely. Alternatively, we could display  Read more...all options while securing those that require authorization. Lastly, we could implement a configuration setting that allows Environment Admins to decide between these two approaches.
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Nick Olson, Lynn Hickey, Carolyn Pruitt like this.
Great ideas Mark! I look forward to feedback from our customers on this topic.
Thanks for using the forums @marklarson
Yes I agree this would be great.
I agree. This would improve the user experience.
Thanks for looking at this. I personally think that hiding unauthorized data from the user would be the best option. That behavior is consistent with the UX on most other software packages.
Thanks for posting this and letting us all consider the options.

As much as I like to have the flexibility and option to select which method our business prefers, I don't see a reason why we would show the warehouses the user is not authorized to. So, keeping it simple, I think that the list should just show those warehouses the user is authorized to.
Michael, thanks for the feedback. Also, consider expanding this philosophy to numerous other prompt windows. Companies, Facilities, etc. could all work like this.
Tue, April, 2nd 2024

I've got a couple of Enhancement requests I'd like to ask you to support:

1) 101363 - Change the FTPCPYxxx tools in library LX83tools to support the password length and complexity of the system it's running on. As we improve security we're moving beyond the 10 character password. These tools have a maximum password length of 10 and so, are not usable with the longer passwords.

2) 105557 - Create a BOD processing status inquiry and maintenance panel. The inbox and  Read more...outbox are a black box on the IBM i.. There is no technical or power user interface that can be used to see the actual processing status of a specific BOD. This request is to create that application so that if a BOD fails or is rejected for some reason, the error is presented, and there is an option to reprocess once the failure reason has been addressed. This capability exists in other Infor products, but is not currently available in LX.

I'd appreciate you logging into Concierge, visiting the Enhancement request system and voting on these 2 enhancements.

Also, as a general plug.. There are several other LX enhancements out there that are worth a read.. there are some great ideas that deserve your consideration.

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Carolyn Pruitt, Brian White, Loring Kaveney, Nick Olson like this.
I circulated this around to my contacts.
Phil, we are in the process of expanding the password length for these tools and this update will be available soon. I will update everyone via this chat once it is available.
The support of a longer password for FTPCPY* tools is now available. Please see KB# 2158293 (LX83TOOLS) explaining the latest update includes long password support for the FTPCPY* tools.
I download and installed lx83tl1216 and when trying to webify any program with GENCMPALL, I am getting a message "**** Weblication and compile process failed for pgm ORD760D-WTS code missing". The program is getting created correctly though. Has anyone else had that issue?
Looking at GENCMPALL more, it is weblicating the source correctly and adding the INFM and SSAW markers at the end of the line in the source, but it's not adding the WTS markers at the beginning of the line for the code that it added so the CHKWTS routine is returning a WTS = N, Weblicate = Y, Compile = Y, Obj Weblicated = Y'. My old version of LX83TOOLS from 12/9/2016 does add the WTS markers.
Jon, There are a couple of WTS BMRs you may need to get. 81062, 81379 and 81371. Also, make sure the libraries these objects are installed in are higher in your *LIBL.
Mark / Dave... Thanks for taking this on. I've loaded these on my Dev and QA systems. The FTPCPYxxx functions move the objects as expected, but I always end up with message: CPF9898 - Error occurred on command DLTF QGPL/Fxxxxxxxxxxx In the job log it's followed by Object Fxxxxxxxxxxx in QGPL type *FILE deleted.. (same object).
Phil, We'll create a BMR to clean up those messages. They are harmless though, just cleaning up temp files created by the FTPCPYxxx tools.
